Scripture: Isaiah 43:1-17

“Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him
for my glory, I have formed him yea I have made him.” Isaiah 43:7 (KJV)

Feedback: Share the faithfulness of God over your life with others.

The moment you get born again, God gave you the ability to become the best that you can be. The bible teaches that though you are in the world, you are not of the world. Meaning you shouldn’t be subject to the circumstances of this world. In 1 Peter 2:9 the Bible says:
“You are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people that you should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

God chose you because he wants to make you the best. Don’t ever wish you were someone else for God doesn’t have a photocopy of you. Nobody in the world has been or will ever be exactly like you, nobody can smile the way you do, nobody can do things the way you can. God wants you to look on the inside for there are something better and unique that makes you the best.

No matter what you are going through, just know that you are different from that situation. God is the one making you. If he makes you, nobody can unmake you. He lives in you to make you become that dream that you have in your heart. Just know that you are more beautiful than you see, you are the best you that God has made.

Reflection: What are the things making me doubt that I’m created in God’s image?

PRAYER: Thank you Lord for the divine ability to become whatever I want to be, because I know you are in me.

FAITH BYTE: I know who I am; I am the best me that God has made, full of the glory of God and covered in His grace.

This Week Walk of Faith: Write down things you appreciate about yourself and spend this week thanking God for making you the best there is.

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