Scripture: Ephesians 4:26-27

“For the [resentful, deep-seated] anger of man does not produce
the righteousness of God [that standard of behaviour which
He requires from us].” James 1:20 (AMP)

Very often, the fastest and easiest response of people to an offensive situation is anger. Anger in itself is not a bad emotion but when you get furious at the slightest provocation or carry a grudge, then it becomes a problem.

Anger tends to lead to sin (James 1:20).
Anger is a very powerful emotion that can distort your thinking and judgement, rob you of your peace, your health and ruin your relationships. Interacting
with people requires patience and understanding. Temperance and tolerance are virtues that you must mature into as a child of God not just for the sake of your walk with God but also for the sake of maintaining healthy relationships and peace of mind. When you get angry, let it be for the right reasons, but never allow anger consume you (Matthew 21:12-13; Ephesians 4:26-27).

Watch over your thoughts (Proverbs 4:23). Retrain yourself to respond rather than react to potentially annoying situations. As always, start by prayer and regular study of God’s word. A lifestyle of anger is a risk to your life (Proverbs 25:28). Rather than brood about issues, talk about them with a friend. Instead of an outburst, take deep breaths, or walk away. Be strengthened and guided always by the love of God.

PRAYER: Lord, bless me with a temperate heart and wash away every lifestyle of anger from me in Jesus name.

FAITH BYTE: I am calm and in control. I am no longer subject to the spirit of anger.

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