Scripture: Luke 5:33-39

“For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through
the spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live”
Romans 8:13 (KJV)

Jesus was asked a question about fasting, and in answering that question, he also talked about new wine and new wine skins. What is the connection between the two issues that God wants us to understand?

The new wine refers to the Holy Spirit and the new wine skins refers to the born again or regenerated spirit of the believer.
Thus, we observe that two things which would happen after Christ’s departure from earth are mentioned together. Jesus said after he was gone, the Holy Spirit would come. He also said his disciples would fast after he was gone. There is thus a connection between fasting and the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. The Holy Spirit resides in our spirit and operates from there. However, we have our flesh and its lusts that war against the spirit (Galatians 5:17). In order for the Holy Spirit to move powerfully in our lives, we need to bring our flesh under subjection. This is achieved through various forms of fasting and prayer.

In order to fully enjoy and drink of the new wine inside us, we need to maintain a healthy and consistent pattern of fasting and prayer. We need to dig deep, beyond the limitations of the flesh till we tap into the rivers of living waters, the new wine, the powerful Holy Spirit, residing inside us.

PRAYER: Lord, give me the grace to serve you through regular fasting and prayer in Jesus name.

FAITH BYTE: I will fast and pray regularly, to maximize the power of the Holy Spirit in me

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