Scripture: Matthew 9:9-13
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”
John 3:16 (NIV)
Salvation is not the prerogative of any individual. God has extended his hand of fellowship to anyone who is willing to say yes to him. Unfortunately, the human nature tends to segregate.
The Pharisees found it hard to believe that someone, who referred to himself as God, would eat with sinners (John 10:30).
In their hearts, they had condemned and judged these sinners as not worthy. They were not good enough to warrant the attention of a righteous man. Their picture of God was so far away from who he truly is, a father who loves and wants the best for his creation. You do not have a place to judge anyone worthy or play God in the life of anyone. God has a plan for his creation and it is ultimately his place to determine how their lives play out.
Who have you judged and condemned? The Great Mandate to you is to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). There is no race, creed or gender in the Spirit. Jesus did not come to save any ‘People’. He came for all people. It is God’s desire that all come to a saving knowledge of Christ. It is God’s prerogative to make the life-altering decision of who becomes saved. Your place is to fish. Cast your net into the sea of darkness that rules the world. Give room to everyone. Share the word with all.
PRAYER: Lord, keep my heart from judging anyone unworthy of your love in Jesus name.
FAITH BYTE: I am a fisher of men. I cast my net wide to bring in the harvest.
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