Scripture: Psalm 25:1-14
“The meek will be guided in judgment and the meek will he
teach his way.” Psalm 25:9 (KJV)
Meekness is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. It is an invaluable quality. The bible says the meek shall inherit the earth and shall delight them in the abundance of peace (Psalms 37:11). It is a virtue with a great reward but lacking among many believers. Meekness is being gentle, humble and showing submission.
The bible records that Moses was more humble than any other person on earth (Numbers 12:3) Jesus also exhibited this attribute; being submissive even unto death. They were not argumentative or stubborn to God’s command. God led, they followed. A meek believer will not take final decisions on issues but will depend on directives and instructions from God. He will easily let go of personal opinion and feeling while relying on the Holy Spirit for a final word on any matter.
Beloved, God can guide and direct your path with clarity but are you ready and willing to go where he wants you to? Will you choose his way rather than yours? You will not fail; he will teach you but will you follow obediently? Abraham, meekly, left Haran even when he did not have a complete picture of what was to come. He, meekly, took his son to sacrifice when God commanded even when God did not explain why. Trust God and follow meekly. He will perfect all that concerns you in due time.
REMEMBER TO ATTEND: Leadership/Communion Service tomorrow, 5:30PM.
PRAYER: Lord, teach me to trust you and follow you meekly in Jesus name.
FAITH BYTE: I exhibit the spirit-controlled temperament of meekness.
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