Scripture: Acts 23:1-11

“But when you are arrested and stand trial; don’t worry in advance
about what to say, just say what God tells you at that time, for it is
not you who will be speaking but the Holy Spirit.” Mark 13: 11 (NLT)

Have you ever been in a difficult situation you did not think you would escape? But when all hope seemed lost, you had a clear inspiration on what to do? The Holy Spirit is the force that triggers this clarity but only if you cooperate with him.

At first glance, Paul appeared to be surrounded by an unruly crowd united in their desire to literally tear him apart.
However, his vision became clear suddenly and he saw the division among them. Rather than an angry crowd, Paul saw Sadducees and Pharisees who disagreed on several religious points. He used this division against them and steered the emphasis off him and the purpose for which he was there. Paul’s insight and inspired words were given to him by the Holy Spirit.

Many times, we take responsibility for completing God’s work but God reminds us that he will fight for us and we will hold our peace. The battle is the Lord’s. If we commit to his work, we can rest in the knowledge that he will complete what he has started with us. Give the Holy Spirit room to steer you. Trust and follow his prompting without letting the voice of fear and logic hold you back. His instruction may defy logic but you can count on him to provide the life transforming insight you need.

REMEMBER TO ATTEND: MAP Meeting (Home Fellowship) tomorrow

PRAYER: Lord, provide me with insight that I need to change every troubling situation in Jesus name.

FAITH BYTE: I refuse to let the voice of logic and fear lead me.

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