Scripture: l Corinthians 3:5-15

 For we are co-workers in God’s service...” 1 Corinthians 3:9 (NIV)

Paul told the Corinthian church that he had done his part by planting and Apollos had also done his part by watering the seeds he had planted, but it is God who ultimately gives the increase (l Cor. 3:6). This implies that we have to do God’s work before he can give the increase.
Every believer, therefore, has a role to play in order to activate God’s plan and purpose here on earth.

No part is more important than the other. In the sight of God, every input is as important as the other. Bickering over whose work is more important gives the enemy room to sow tares of discord in our midst. Every service counts. We must find ways to support and encourage one another to ensure there is no hindrance to propagating the gospel.

 Anytime you have the opportunity to do anything for God, it is a rare privilege that should not be taken lightly. Therefore, in whatever capacity we render service to God, we must do so with the consciousness that God’s work is waiting for our part to be done so God’s kingdom can move forward. It is with this consciousness that the blessings come. Remember, we are collaborating with God to see his kingdom come on earth.

PRAYER: Lord, I pray for the grace not to fail you as I do my part in the advancement of your kingdom in Jesus name

FAITH BYTE:I do great exploits for the kingdom, and I see God’s kingdom manifest here on earth.

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