Scripture: Judges 19:1-9

 “Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days” Ephesians 5:16 (NLT)

Time is a natural phenomenon that God has apportioned to everyone in equal proportion. The old, the young, the poor, and the rich all have 24hrs in a day. But what makes the difference is the ability to manage this time well. Time is a resource that needs to be wisely and rightly invested.
To achieve appropriate time management and investment, we need to beware of those people and things that can, and do distract us.

The Levite in our text had the goal of bringing back his concubine, which could have taken him two or three days, but he fell into the hands of a time waster. A time waster who happened to be a relative - his father in-law and ended up staying there for about five days.

Time wasters can occupy your time with just about anything and distract you from your destiny. In the case of this Levite, food and drinks were used to keep him comfortable and distracted. Time wasters can be things around you which may seem interesting to you but are actually distractions, thereby wasting your time and delaying your destiny. You need to be sensitive to know those things and people that the devil uses to take our time. You must value time and deploy it effectively as time lost cannot be regained.

PRAYER:  Lord, I ask that my eyes be opened to see those people and things around me that distract me in Jesus name.

FAITH BYTE: I have a destiny to fulfill, and I cannot be distracted.

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