Scripture: Galatians 6:1-9
“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat,
winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease”
Genesis 8:22 (NKJV)
When you sow a seed, there will be a harvest, be it positive or negative. For our study today we shall refer to Judgment as harvest in the negative and to overflow as harvest in the positive. To ensure that you walk in the positive sense of the overflow you must plant the right seed. But some of us need to believe God strongly for mercy to avert judgment because of all the bad seeds we have planted.
We need to engage the blood of Jesus to crush the wicked, negative investments we made into our destinies. To reschedule your harvest, begin to plant good seeds or else you are going to harvest abundance of negative manifestations. Many people are harvesting sickness today because of the seed they planted in the years past.
Seeds are primarily planted with your words and actions. For instance, somebody strolls into the Church irresponsibly and smiling when he knows he is late for church meeting, he is planting a negative seed through a bad attitude. This same person may complain that God is coming tough on him, forgetting he is dealing with a thrice Holy God who rewards every one according to his/her deeds. We must not reduce harvest to financial matters alone. It applies in all areas of life.
PRAYER: I receive the grace to persist till my overflow of blessings come.
FAITH BYTE: The mercy of God triumphs over judgment in my life.
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