Scripture: Zechariah 7:1-14

“… when ye fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh month,
even those seventy years, did ye at all fast unto me, even to me?”
Zechariah 7:4&5 (KJV)

The essence of fasting is to help us subdue the works of the flesh, so we can become more spiritually sensitive. Fasting consecrates us so we can respond properly to God. For seventy years, the children of Israel fasted but it did not change their life style. They lived a life of sin as recorded in verses 8-10.
They were cautioned by God in verses 12&13 to stop refusing God’s instructions but did not listen. Therefore, in verse 13 God turned His back on them.

Like the children of Israel, many are fasting and praying without results. This is because we have refused to heed to certain instructions God has given to us. When done properly with all sense of discipline, it activates the power of the Holy Ghost in you that enables you to do great exploits as recorded in Isaiah 58:6 “A God chosen fast will release you into the ability to lose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens. To let you set the oppressed free, and to break every yoke”

If you want a life of accelerated increase in every ramification, then make fasting as a regular part of your life. I fast weekly. Choose one day in the week as your fasting day. When you do, obey what He tells you.

REMEMBER TO ATTEND: MAP Meeting (Home Fellowship) tomorrow.

PRAYER: Help me Lord, to understand the essence of fasting.

FAITH BYTE: As I fast, I achieve great exploits for God in Jesus Name.

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