Scripture: John 1:1-10

“Your words are a flashlight to light the path ahead of me,
and keep me from stumbling.” Psalm. 119:105 (TLB)

Jesus is the word of God. One of the key attributes of the word of God is life, and that life brings light. When light is absent, there will be darkness, confusion, lack of direction and lack of growth. Light makes you see, it gives a clearer picture and it helps with direction.

Imagine stepping into an unfamiliar room that is dark.
Because you have never been in there, you will stumble and become confused. This is symbolic of how the world works. The world is a journey that nobody has passed through before and you need guidance to navigate its paths. It is covered with darkness. Only God has passed through it. He knows the end from the beginning. You will struggle when you do not have the light of God to guide you. No man knows tomorrow, only God knows so he has given us his word as our guide. The Light of his word exposes every secret you need to make decisions in your job, business, finances, relationships and any other area you need it.

Our duty as Christians is to profess the word of God in this dark world (Psalm 119:106). The word of God is alive and powerful. God’s word can manifest himself (Hebrews 4:2). It is our duty to confess it with faith. When we do so, we subject all conditions to the Lordship of Jesus. Use the light of the word to win. His light provides the shortcut you need in the long journey of this life.

PRAYER: Lord, give me wisdom to deploy the light of your word daily in my life in Jesus name.

FAITH BYTE: I confess the word of God in faith and I see the light of God in my life.

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