Scripture: Psalm 105:35-40
“He brought them forth also with silver and gold:
and there was not one feeble person among their tribes”.
Psalm 105:37 (KJV)
This described the healthy state of the Israelites while going out from Egypt to Canaan. A huge Ncontrast to the Corinthian church where there were many weak and sickly members.
The church in the wilderness as the former is called (Acts 7:38; Exodus 12:37), about three million in number, existed under more precarious circumstances, they were under an old covenant based on the blood of animals while the Corinthian church were under the covenant sealed by the blood of the Son of God. Yet there was not one sick or feeble person among the three million living under the Old Testament.
The Old Testament church must have been doing what the Corinthian church failed to do. They understood that as they ate flesh of the lamb, here was a chemical interaction that made it flesh of their flesh, bone of their bone, skin of their skin, and body of their body. It ensured that there was not one feeble among them.
This lamb slain in Egypt is a type of Jesus Christ, God’s son, slain for all. In the communion, by faith, we become members of His body, of His flesh and of His bone (Ephesians 5:30). What three million people ate that gave them physical soundness we eat a superior sort that makes us perpetually whole. Break bread as often as you can and you will enjoy divine health. STAY HEALED.
PRAYER: Thank you Lord for paying the penalty for my sin and sickness.
FAITH BYTE: Because I eat the lamb’s body, His body has become a part of my body, driving away sickness, weakness and feebleness. I am strong, well and healthy.
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