Scripture: Genesis 16:1-9
“Servants, be submissive to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and gentle, but also to those who are unreasonable.” 1 Peter 2:18 (NASB)

Submission is a state of willing obedience. We are all accountable in varying degrees to one person or the other. As God’s children, it is required of us to always submit respectfully to those who are in authority over us. Submission to authority is required of us whether it is convenient or not. Insubordination and rebellion towards our leaders will only put us at odds with God and man.

Hagar’s problems started when she began to look down on her Mistress, Sarai. She had been selected by Sarai for a very sensitive and significant task; producing a child that would have been Abraham’s heir. It was an honourable thing but Hagar took advantage of the situation and began to disrespect her Mistress, Sarai, who provided her with the opportunity in the first place. This led to harsh treatment from Sarai (Gen 16:6).

If we cannot be submissive to man who we can see, how can we submit to God who we do not see? As we can see from Hagar’s story, God does not condone a rebellious attitude for whatever reason (v.9). When faced with genuine challenges from leaders in any area of service, let your first recourse be to commit the matter to God in prayers. All kings, leaders and masters are in his hands (Prov. 21:1). Finally, remember that through submissive service you build character that will mold you into a better vessel for God’s use.

Lord, give me the grace to be sincerely submissive to my leaders in Jesus name, Amen.

I am submissive to God and my leaders; I am free from the spirit of rebellion.

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