Scripture: 2 Samuel 3:23-27
“…. Joab took him aside in the gate to speak with him quietly, and smote him there…”
2 Samuel 3:27 (KJV)

It is commonplace for us to say we have forgiven those who hurt us when in reality, we still harbor the emotions, the hate and the hurt in our heart. We tell the offender that he or she has been forgiven, but whenever we see the person that hurt us we are filled with resentment and all the bitterness and pain rise up within us leading to anger and revenge.

This was how Joab felt when he heard that Abner had visited the king. With this feeling of pain, came the decision to take revenge for the wrong done to him. The inability to truly forget is often due to a false concept that "forgiving is forgetting". Forgetting is NOT forgiving. It only suppresses the hurt we feel leading to denial.

True forgiveness is sweet and pleasurable. It brings a feeling of joy and peace to the one who forgives. Where there is forgiveness, the burden of bitterness is removed, conflict is replaced with friendship and love floods in where hatred once ruled. This is no accident; it is the very nature of God coming through us, and it is only those who have the Spirit of God that can enjoy this grace. Is your life filled with bitterness and grief because of an unforgiving heart? Invite the Holy Spirit in now; ask for the grace to let go and he will help you experience the peace of God that can only come from a forgiving heart.

Lord, help me to always forgive those who have offended me so I can have peace and joy in Jesus name.

Every burden of bitterness and grief is lifted from my heart because today, I forgive  every wrong done to me.

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