Scripture: Matthew 28:1-10

"Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains of death:
because it was not possible that he should be held of it."

Upon Satan's discovery that his master plan for Christ extermination had boomeranged, he embarked on a war of lies to make men doubt that the Saviour rose triumphantly from the grave, so as to corrupt their faith. Till date, the facts are there for all to see, the tomb is empty.

One of the satanic agents of doubt is Kirsopp Lake who suggested that the women who went to Jesus' tomb simply went to the wrong tomb. In spite of these attacks of falsehood, these lies begin to crumble under the increasing weight of evidence and reasoning. The voice of angels in the empty tomb speaks till this day, "why seek ye the living among the dead, He is not here, He is risen".

Be encouraged by the conclusion of the towering legal intellect of the Cambridge educated Sir Norman Anderson, who was offered a professorship for life at Harvard University; After a lifetime analysis of this issue from a legal perspective, made this sentence "The empty tomb, then, forms a veritable rock on which all rationalistic theories of the resurrection dash themselves in vain". Jesus' tomb speaks till date. It is empty. He is alive and we live on with him.

PRAYER: Lord, let me know the exceeding greatness of your power, which you wrought in raising Christ from the dead.

FAITH BYTE: I am crucified with Christ, but I live. I now live by the faith of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. I am risen with Christ.

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