Scripture: Leviticus 10:1-9

“And there went out fire from the LORD, and devoured them,
and they died before the LORD.” Leviticus 10:2 (KJV)

God commanded the priests of Israel to continually burn aromatic incense on the golden altar inside the Holy of Holies and there were specific recipes and methods for these offerings as well as clear instructions around them. The sweet smelling savour was only as good as the purity and obedience of the priests making the offering before God.

The priests were duly elected and ordained; they also used the right censers. On a good day, their incense would have gone up to God as a sweet smelling savour but something was awfully wrong - the offering was not commanded by God. The outcome of the strange fire that arose from their misguided offering was judgement resulting in the instant death of Nadab and Abihu, Aaron’s two sons.

As a child of God today, your prayers, worship and lifestyle represent the incense of old and are received (or should be) by God as sweet smelling savours but they must be both pure and
sacred to be so received. They must also be in line with God’s command in His Word. Because Jesus has paid the price for our salvation by shedding his blood on the cross at Calvary (giving rise to the dispensation of grace), strange fires from unrighteous living, prayers and worship might not result to instant physical death but will lead to instant separation from God and ultimately to eternal death and eternity in hell. Take heed what you do today because the LORD is watching.

PRAYER: Lord, may my prayers and worship be found worthy in thy sight today and always in Jesus name.

FAITH BYTE: My prayers and worship are acceptable in God’s sight.

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