Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:17-21

 “Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” 1 Timothy 6:17 (NIV)

Money is good and answereth all things. The Church needs money to expand, the Christian needs money to survive on earth, therefore, money itself is not the problem. The problem is the attitude of man towards it. People are ready to go to any length and even sell their souls to be rich.
For many people today, lying and cheating is the natural thing to do to become rich. People have been so enslaved by the facade of rich living that they have forsaken God.

If you were dead, of what use would money be to you? Without air to breathe, how would you enjoy the riches you strive so hard to acquire? Who provides the air you breathe today? Whose power has kept you alive till now? Definitely not money! Money should never take the place of God in your life. Do not become so consumed by the luxury and comfort money provides that you forget who made it possible for you to get that money in the first place. If you put money before God, you will pay a hefty price (Proverbs 11:28).

The glory and honour that belongs to God should never be shared with anyone or anything. Seek first the kingdom of God and other things shall be added to your life. God alone is worthy of worship, not any man nor any idol and definitely not money. Money should work for you, and not the other way round.

PRAYER: Lord, help me not to be imprisoned by the love of money but to give all glory and worship to you alone in Jesus name.

FAITH BYTE: I am a lover of God alone; I cannot be a slave to money.

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