Scripture: 1 John 5:1-12
“Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”  1 Corinthians 15:33 (NIV)

Feedback: Share how your daily life can help another find Christ

Most people who just attend church without a proper relationship with God live by double standards. They have limited contact with God-fearing people and largely maintain ties with unbelievers. These people feel that believers are not as productive, business-savvy and fun as unbelievers. They see believers as being too religious and boring to keep as company. So, they devise means to live a parallel lifestyle.

John the apostle, kept very important relationships that influenced his life greatly. John along with Peter and James formed Jesus' inner circle and the high priest of that time knew him personally (John 18:15-17) and long after Jesus had resurrected, he maintained a strong relationship with the Church and the people of God.

It is not out of place to believe that Apostle John’s accomplishments and longevity are the direct results of his close fellowship with God and his people (v. 2). Hence, you must strive to establish and maintain relationships with God’s people through bible study, ministry and fellowship. Keep good company and experience a fulfilling life of peace and joy.

Reflection: What are the 2 criteria I consider when choosing my friends?

Lord, connect me with those that will assist me in fulfilling my assignment on earth in Jesus name.

I keep good company, therefore, my life experiences growth and advancement.

This Week Walk of Faith:
List out 3 biblical qualities you should desire in a friend and use them to x-ray your current relationships.

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